How to pay?
In case you haven’t paid for goods online in Thailand before, here are brief instructions on how to pay:
If you have a Thai bank account:
App or Internet
All Thai banks has Internet banking and Apps that makes it easy to transfer directly from your phone or computer. Save the QR code and select it in your bank app. Reply to the order confirmation and attach a photo of the bank receipt, or send it via Line to @haypee.
ATM transfer
Pay directly into our bank account via ATM or bank. Reply to the order confirmation and attach a photo of the bank receipt, or send it via Line to @haypee.
No Thai bank account?
Pay at the bank
You can visit the nearest bank office, bring our account number and ask the cashier to help you pay. Then fill in an old-fashioned piece of paper with our information, pay and you will get a receipt of your payment. Reply to the order confirmation and attach a photo of the bank receipt, or send it via Line to @haypee.